What to Expect:

Becoming a mother means something different to each woman who has the experience; it is a highly personal yet universally monumental transition. Whether you are pregnant with your first or have a house full, this life regularly demands new approaches from you to meet changing challenges. Being present in the various roles you play - as mother, partner, professional, daughter, and no doubt more than these – probably requires almost all of your time and energy.

Common topics for coaching include:
- Mentally preparing yourself for a positive birthing experience
- Integrating past disappointments regarding pregnancy and birth
- Adjusting well to life with a newborn
- Redefining the relationship with your partner after having children
- Planning the next steps of your career
- Finding a positive balance between work and family lifee
- Creating opportunities for renewing and maintaining your energy

In individual coaching I assist you in determining your strengths and priorities, in setting realistic and achievable goals, and in defining actions that help you make changes right away. I work with a variety of methods, selecting ones that suit you and bring results. Coaching is highly effective and sustainable because the changes you make take place at a behavioral level and are anchored in your value system. Thus a relatively small investment in time can lead to substantial changes and well-being. I am guided by my coaching values: empathy, empowerment, respect, and responsibility. I acknowledge and respect the work that you are doing, advocate for you, and ensure you the confidentiality that you deserve.